
I tend to make a big deal out of things.  I kind of hate that about myself, but I do.  I get antsy and stressed and am a bit of a perfectionist.  The saving grace is that this comes 100% … Read More

Happy Birthday to Meeeee

On Thursday night, we were planning to go camping in the beautiful Shenandoah’s in honor of my birthday on Friday.  Dan surprised me with a spot picked out months ago before it filled up right at the top of a … Read More

Fresh Strawberry Curd

We went strawberry picking.  Not that first time.  Again.  Because of course everyone needs to pick nearly 20 pounds of ripe and delicious strawberries over the course of a week and a half. Needless to say, I’m scrounging out all … Read More

Summer Latelies

Summer’s in full swing and we’ve already kicked into some fun little travels. Pittsburgh First up was Pittsburgh to visit Dan’s brother and his family.  It had been a while since we’d seen them, and oh, did we have fun.  … Read More

Chipotle Pineapple Veggie Fajitas

I used to think I didn’t like fajitas.  Not really sure why?  I mean, lots of colorful veggies and tortillas and toppings?  Not much to go wrong.  I finally had them again a few months ago when we were in … Read More


Growing up, there were probably a lot of things I took for granted about my mom.  Moving across the world to a country where she didn’t yet have a firm grasp of the language (and then getting the hang of … Read More

This weekend, we headed out to Shenandoah National Park for a little camping night, a morning of hiking, and then down to Roanoke, VA.  Camping with the smalls is always an adventure; so fun and lovely and cozy and yet generally so sleepless.  It’s hard getting them down when it’s still so light out, and they’re up with the sun the next morning.  But it’s worth it…I think?  Yes.  I mean, there were s’mores involved.





 My little hikers



From there, we headed down to Roanoke.  Oh, Roanoke, you pretty little thing, you.  It just epitomized everything about southwestern Virginian charm.  Gorgeous Blue Ridge mountains, cows & tractors, quaint shops, and fun music.  We have some delightful friends who spoiled us with excellent food and even better conversation and it was just the most lovely little 28 hours.

On Friday night, we headed over to Floyd, where this darling little country store has been hosting a Friday night bluegrass jamboree for 80 years.  There’s dancing and candy-eating galore on the main stage, and gorgeous sunsets and cool breezes with the many other little bands that have set up outside.

These two were quite the hit on the dance floor.
And so was he. Oh, this kid.




The evening light was to die for


It is a hard-and-fast rule that any teeny little shop advertising homemade ice cream must be patronized.

Saturday involved park time and THE most charming little diner/soda fountain where they had upwards of 10 different kinds of grilled cheese.  Including jalapeno popper.  And there was coconut soda.  YOU GUYS.  Life=changed.

We finished off the day with a stroll through the pretty little downtown (old brick, swoon) and some MORE ice cream at home.  Hey, thanks for having us, friends & Roanoke!  It was a blast!