
Like many, I’m still reeling from the knowledge of Friday’s events.  Like many, it’s tricky to put into words exactly how I’m feeling, exactly how much I want to hold my little ones close and never let go.  Like many, … Read More

Drawstring Bag Advent Calendar

After Janssen posted her adorable Advent calendar, I decided to blatantly copy her and post my own.  Because imitation is the highest form of flattery, right?  Bonus – this project is simple enough that there’s still time to get it … Read More

My Favorite Holiday

  Oh yes – have I told you?  I’m the queen of flaky, buttery crusts 🙂 Adorable craft blatantly stolen from Rachel     Can you even handle the sweetness of this baby?  I think not PS – check out … Read More

My Favorite Thanksgiving Recipe

I adore Thanksgiving. There’s food and family and it’s the start of the Christmas season. Christmas day always feels a little bittersweet to me because it’s the end of the wonderful season and in a week, you have to stop … Read More

Baby Essentials for a Small Space

Let’s face it: when you’re having a baby, people try to convince you that you need a whole heck of a lot of crap.  Bouncy seats and matching sheet sets and changing tables etc. etc.  I’m sort of a minimalist … Read More

Babymoon Staycation

This past weekend, I planned a little surprise babymoon for Dan.  He conveniently had a men’s church activity on Thursday night, for which I slyly convinced him to get a ride so I could drop N off at my parents’ … Read More

Home Style: Books, Books, and More Books

We like books.  We have a lot of books.  I am definitely a “thrower” rather than a “keeper” (Dan sometimes gets sad when I immediately chuck cards after reading them…apologies to anyone who was hoping I’d go to the grave … Read More

1 batch pizza dough (I usually use this one with a very few minor tweaks for making it by hand)

1 16 oz package sliced mushrooms
1 T olive oil
Coarse salt, such as sea or kosher
Several big handfuls of kale, chopped (I like mine pretty small)
1 cup ricotta cheese
1/2 – 1 cup mozzarella, shredded
1/4 – 1/2 cup Parmesan, shredded
1-2 eggs
Salt & pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 425F. Place mushrooms in roasting pan and mix with oil and several shakes of coarse salt. Roast intil mushrooms have released liquid and shriveled slightly, about 10-15 minutes.

2. While mushrooms are roasting, combine rest of ingredients in a medium bowl.  When mushrooms are done, fold them into the filling mixture.

3. Increase oven temperature to 475F.

4.  Take your ball of risen dough.  Cut it in half, then in halves again, and halves a 3rd time so that you have 8 equally sized pieces of dough.  Stretch one dough ball into a circle about 8-10″ in diameter.  Place 1/8th of the filling on half of the circle, leaving room around the edge.  Fold over and turn up the edges to crimp.  Repeat with other balls.

5. Gently place calzones on a lined baking sheet or on a cornmeal-lined pizza paddle and slide directly onto pizza stone (my preference).  Bake 9-11 minutes, until calzones are puffed and golden.  Serve plain or with marinara dipping sauce.

(The exact amounts of the ingredients will depend on your preference. Just add enough egg to have it bind together nicely. You can make yours more of less cheesy, so these amounts are just approximations. Calzones are pretty forgiving! Like homemade pizza, you can kind of throw whatever veggies you want in there.  I think roasted sweet potato and fennel would be delicious!)

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