2021 Global Children’s Book Club Schedule
Chapter Book Schedule
I will discuss Lalani of the Distant Sea on Instagram on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month (January 14th and January 28th).
To participate in a virtual live discussion, I’d love to have you join in on Patreon! You’ll also receive a monthly newsletter with additional discussion questions and a recap of my Instagram discussions.
Picture Books Schedule
I have provided free YouTube read alouds below for each of the weekly picture books. To hear a weekly live storytime with picture book discussion, as well as author visits, I’d love to have you join in on Patreon!
Week of 1/4: Cora Cooks Pancit
Week of 1/11: Journey for Justice: The Life of Larry Itliong
Week of 1/18: Pan de Sal Saves the Day
Week of 1/25: Willie Wins
Featured Philippines Books: Philippines Chapter Book
Lalani of the Distant Sea by Erin Entrada Kelly
Find it on Amazon, Bookshop.org, Abebooks
Here are additional resources to learn through reading the book:
- Here’s a wonderful interview with the author, Erin Entrada Kelly, with Atlas Book Club!
- You can learn more about the creatures in the book.
- And here’s a full discussion guide with questions, charts, and extension activities.
Featured Philippines Picture Books: Philippines Books for Kids
Week 1 (Week of 1/4) Picture Book Read Aloud: Cora Cooks Pancit
Available on Amazon, Bookshop.org, Walmart

Week 2 (Week of 1/11) Picture Book Read Aloud: Journey for Justice: The Life of Larry Itliong
Available on Amazon, Bookshop.org

Week 3 (Week of 1/18) Picture Book Read Aloud: Pan de Sal Saves the Day
Available on Amazon, Bookshop.org, Abebooks, Walmart

Week 4 (Week of 1/25) Picture Book Read Aloud: Willie Wins
Available on Amazon, Bookshop.org, Abebooks, Walmart

Other Filipino Books for Kids
Languages in the Philippines: Filipino Activities for Language Arts
Between 120-187 languages are spoken in the Philippines! Most are native to the Filipino islands. The Philippines have 2 official languages: Filipino (a standardized version of Tagalog) and English.

Philippines Writing Assignment Prompts
- What is an archipelago?
- Read a Filipino folk tale. What was the moral of the story? Rewrite a version that uses people or animals from your own life.
- Write an essay about a food that is significant in your family. When do you make it? Why is it important to you? Who created the recipe? Be sure to write down the recipe, as well!