For the longest time, we kept fruit in bowls on our counter. But when we redid our kitchen, we removed the step up on our kitchen island (hallelujah!) so it didn’t make as much sense to keep multiple bowls of fruit there. And with a family our size that eats a lot of fruit, there was no way to keep it all in one bowl!
I decided a hanging wall solution would be best, so I started hunting for hanging fruit baskets. I wanted something we could see into – visible fruit is definitely something we reach for more often and gets wasted less.But I didn’t want something that was wire or mesh on the bottom. We’ve found that those too often smush the fruit and make it and other pieces go rotten quickly, creates a mess in the basket, and drips below. Yuck!
I finally landed on these hanging wire fruit baskets. They’re sturdy and perfect for holding fruit. And the best part is they have a flat bamboo bottom tray to prevent pieces from getting smushed into wire! I love that they’re not too deep (we didn’t want tons stacked on top of one another) and easy to reach into.
We have 6 baskets (3 of these sets) hung on a wall in our kitchen near the table and they’ve been perfect for us!
For now, we have them hanging with these hooks, but we may mount a wooden panel from which to hang them to make it a bit more sturdy.