A few years ago, I started printing out a photo of our yearly family Halloween costume.
I loved seeing them in print, and I knew I’d forget if I put it off, so I started doing it right after Halloween ended. I’d hang up the most recent one for a little while and then stuff it away with the rest of the decorations until the next year. I didn’t do much with the old photos other than pull them out to look at them.
Then my friend Janssen shared that she frames the photos and sets them out each year as part of their Halloween decorations. Brilliant!
I picked up some cheap frames and set them up. They were darling!

Simple Halloween Decoration in a Small Space
The problem was, with around 2200 square feet for 7 of us, we don’t have a ton of extra display space in our home. And with 5 little kids (including a busy toddler), the frames were constantly falling over. I loved that my kids would pick them up and look at them, but they’d get put back face down or carried over to a different part of the room. I was over it.
So I started looking into solutions to hang up the photos and get them off of horizontal surfaces.
Hanging Seasonal Picture Frame
I considered frames that I could hang up on the wall and switch out the photos by seasons, but I didn’t know that I’d necessarily have the same number of photos for each holiday or for different parts of the year. It seemed like a pain to coordinate that much.
So after a bit of searching I found this folding frame with space for 20+ photos. It’s small enough that it’s easy to pack away when not in use, but has sufficient room for a bunch of photos. I love hanging it up and switching out photos by season. I printed out photos of us in our holiday pajamas from each year, so I’ll switch to those next month!
This simple Halloween decoration is such a fun addition to our seasonal decor that takes up almost no space and feels very personal and fun. It’s also terrifically easy to put up – no pulling out ladders or climbing on roofs necessary!
Do you have any personal holiday decorations? I’d love to hear your favorites!
- 25 Favorite Kids’ Halloween Books to Purchase
- Our Unique Matching Family Halloween Costumes
- 10+ Ways to Make Halloween Fun at Home